Chocolate Confessions...
Overdose. I never imagined that was possible until I thought I wouldn’t survive to see the end of this weekend. If I could amount the chocolate I ate I’d be rolling in it like a pig in mud on a hot day. If we literally were what we eat, I’d be a chocolate character in the animated Cadbury commercial. Wouldn’t-it-be-nice-if-the-world-was-chocolate…?...
The unforgiving, pure chocolate indulging weekend started on Friday at Kokoblack on Lygon when I did the unthinkable and ordered the Mousse Martini and Hot Chocolate, finishing which I felt completely sickened and dreading the onset of a headache.
Undeterred, the chocolate-themed marathon continued the next evening during Girls’ Nite at my place. Following dinner, we proceeded to dive into one pot of Swiss cheese fondue and two pots of chocolate fondue lasting us till the end of the night. Nothing like dunking bountiful platters of fruits into bubbling chocolate to bring out evil gossips and belly-aching laughter to an all-girls’ chillout session. Love it!

Sunday afternoon, I wake up to a chocolate hangover. Gav hears about the fondue fest and wants some. Two hours, two punnets of strawberries and a bag of grapes later, the candle flame is blown out, and I’m on the floor with a fondue fork in one hand, drips of chocolate on my PJs and drooling chocolate…

I've booked myself into rehab for indefinite period of time. On the road to recovery, thanks for asking. One thing for sure, Easter will be a quiet one for me this year...
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