The Big Apple Beckons...
Five months have gone by since my return from tomb-raiding temples in the Ancient Kingdom of Cambodge, and believe me when I say i've tried all I can to convince myself to keep focus on life in Melbourne.
Must say, it's been really good so far - upgraded to a new department & now working with some really fantastic people, paid 6 months' worth of mortgage repayments (6 of 100s more?), celebrated birthdays, hosted a girls' night & attended a couple more, had a housewarming, went clubbing, still totally adore my boyfriend, celebrated my birthday, stood up to an evil ex and gave him a piece of my mind (it was three years in the making, & let's just say...I exorcised it out of my system ^_^), and what week co-hosting a private Biggest Morning Tea event at my place - looking forward to it!
Still, the restlessness lingered. Next flight out was definitely to Europe, but we weren't getting on that plane for at least another year or two. A year or two!! Meanwhile, there was waiting, and more waiting, and more contentment, but all the while this itch to take a million photos and awe over new surrounds continue to build up exponentially until suddenly you find yourself in the middle of an MSN conversation resembling something not too far from this:
Thursday, 18th May
WF (in Malaysia): Hey, I'm planning a trip to the States
Joni (in Australia): Looking 4 a partner to come?
WF: Come! I need a shopping partner!
Joni: OK. When?
WF: June
Joni: OK. I'm there!
Friday 19th May - flight booked and confirmed
Saturday 20th May - 9-hr research at Borders with a stack of Lonely Planets & a laptop.
And as they say, the rest was history, or, history to be made! So yes, Joni is going to the US!
Will have a total of two days by myself in Los Angeles (find me at a budget hostel off Hollywood Boulevard!) , followed by some awesome days and nights with my sista living it up in New York, then off to Chicago (no info yet!). The rest of it - who knows! I could be back in Manhattan if I can't get enough of it, catch a baseball game or a musical, concentrate on the neighbourhoods - Tribeca, Soho, or maybe head over to Philly or Boston. I dunno I dunno! But all I can say with certainty is that I can barely contain this excitement under my skin. Hear me!! I'm exciteddd!!!
Sure i'm still an ancient-culture-tomb-raiding-gezillions-years-of-mystical-history sorta travel junkie, but c'mon!! It's New York! It's a cliche in itself and you just can't go past it. I remember being this close to flying to NY from Tokyo because fares were just that dirt-cheap around January- Y32000!! Of course, over a few green teas at an izekaya with Japan-based New Yorker Guliano, I was told your doors and windows are sealed shut from the overnight snow during that time of year. So that was that.
Anyway, I think the last bit was pure rambling, so just ignore it! ^_^ Oooo....can't wait!! It's back to Borders tomorrow for more research!...
p.s. WF - if you're reading this, *muahh* Can't wait to see you in the city that never sleeps, and...neither will we!!
Hi, stumbled upon ur blog from another fren of yours. I have been dying to go US too. Really love the sceneries and culture there. NY! NY! Fantastic place according to mr frens. Definitely am excited for u too. :)
Muah! Just read it! Oh boy....have you stopped dreaming bout that trip yet? I have not =)
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