The Invitation:

Thank you so much Linda, Sandra, Charmaine, Chien, CC, Rich, Elen & Johnny (& Gav) for celebrating my birthday with me! Hope you enjoyed the entrees and the mains cos' I sure did! about that Peking Duck Risotto! Oo La La...;)
And for all the gorgeous presents too! Love 'em love 'em!
Lin, San, CC & Rich: I'm only just starting to pay more attention to sleepwear so it's perfect! So cute too! Will sleep and think of all four of you...;P
Chien: Impeccable taste, as usual. Gorgeous mix of colours - can't wait to wear them!
Elen & Johnny: Perfect for the new place! And smells divine too...thank you! ^_^ I've already put it in the bedroom...;P
Charmaine: You have NO idea how much care my nails need...(it's quite an embarrassment, actually)'s to gorgeous nails from now on! thank you!
Serena: Pink. How did you guess? ;P Love it! Thanks heaps, sweety! p.s. Munching on the cookies now as i write this...
Ange: I opened it and thought: 'This girl read my mind!' How did you know I'd been wanting a fondue set!? I've been procrastinating for so long, but voila! You've gotten it for me. Thank you!! Guess what we're having at girls' night!??
SMS/Email/Phone Birthday Greetings!
Thank you so much to all the lovely, thoughtful people in my life....
Mark Lim, Mark Chin, Ivy, Sean, Siew Yen, Sher Li, Sher Ai, David Chan, Shao Mei, James, Belinda, Sher Wi, Lin Lee, Charleston, Aunty Ching, Dad/Mum
So ends the era of Under-24s. It's been one day since I turned 25 and the Earth doesn't seem to want to swallow me up yet. Guess there's hope still! Looking forward the bigger, grander things, to blue skies and more mango smoothies, to blissful love and cool plans, and especially, happy happy days. Here's to the mid-20s!